Hola lovelies!
In the UK at the moment everyone is suddenly aware that summer is upon us. The weather has been unbelievable the last couple of days, and I am writing this now from my bed in which I am sweltering. But I shouldn't complain.. I love the sun and all that summer brings, including new clothes!
In a recent post I shared with you some new shoes I had bought for summer, and today I will share some of my favourite pieces for summer. Some are new but these are my go to clothing items at the moment.
-- First up is this gorgeous top from Topshop. I have seen a lot of bloggers with the stripy version of this, but my best friend bought me this a few months ago for my birthday. It is just perfect for summer, especially the flower details around the hems. Just too cute and simple! There is also a pale pink one in store now which I am dying to get my hands on. Because it is just white, it goes with everything which makes things so easy!
-- This dress is probably my favourite thing at the moment. This is from River Island and is the perfect smock dress for summer. The material is light and flows perfectly. I have worn it so many times, even when the weather maybe didn't even constitute wearing a dress! I think they have it in loads of different prints too so go and check them out. I believe they are £25 normally - totally worth it! I also think this may even be in the River Island sale right now.. no excuses!
-- I know these may not seem like a summer item, but in the UK it isn't always really sunny and hot so I need options! These Vero Moda jeans are in the 'mom' style and are super super high waisted which makes wearing crop tops with them just perfect. They also finish a little above the ankle which I think accentuates your shape in a weird but wonderful way! The colour is the loveliest colour for a pair of summer jeans. These are the same jeans that I recently picked up and although I haven't had them for a full summer yet, I know I'm taking them away with me and they will become a definite favourite for evenings. They just jazz up an outfit for summer when the sun hasn't shown itself.
-- Lastly, these shorts I bought in the Topshop sale last year (no longer available, sorry!) and I have loved them ever since. The embroidery on the front and back is just lovely and adds so much to it! They are high waisted and if you are careful, they don't show your bum either! I am just so happy with them, they were originally around £30/£40 and I got them for £15. There are loads of shorts around at the moment with similar things, so go check them out!
So these are the clothes I will be wearing this summer! I hope these pictures are ok, I am still working out how to take good photos for this blog!
What summer clothes do you love? Have you found any bargains or beautiful summer finds for this summer?
Bethany x